Congratulations on your offer!

Once you have digested the good news, you need to review the paperwork that you have been sent. Your offer pack will contain the following:

Letter of Offer from the Rector

Congratulations! You are now well on your way to becoming a Columban! There are a few steps you need to complete prior to joining us, but we will guide you through.

Enrolment Contract (Junior 1 - Senior VI)

This document forms a contract between you/your family and St Columba’s School - once this is completed, your child will be a Columban! As part of this form, adults will need to read and agree to uphold the following:







Early Years Acceptance Form

Early Years families will not have to complete the Payment of Fees form or the Enrolment Contract. Instead, you will accept our offer of a place by clicking on this button and completing this form:

Payment of School Fees Form (Junior 1 - Senior VI)

This document allows our Finance Department to arrange the financial side of things.