Welcome to our Admissions Portal

We are thrilled that you are considering St Columba’s School for the education of your child!

As Admissions Registrar, I am the first point of contact for all prospective families and it is my pleasure to guide you through the admissions process.

As a parent of two Columbans I understand the significance of selecting the right school for your child and the impact it can have on their educational journey. Having personally been through the process myself, I recognise the importance of this decision and the careful considerations it demands. With first-hand experience, I fully appreciate the anticipation, the research, and the numerous visits to different schools, all in pursuit of finding the perfect fit for your child. It is with this understanding that I will guide you through the process and I will do my best to ensure you make an informed decision.

St Columba’s is one of Scotland’s leading non-denominational independent schools. We teach our young people about the world we live in and how to contribute effectively as engaged, balanced adults.

We are proud to prepare young people for the wider world from the rolling hillsides and lush greenery of Kilmacolm, a location that greatly enriches our pupils’ learning experiences.

Be sure to have a look at our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, where we try to give current and prospective families a flavour of everything that goes on in our classrooms and beyond! They are a great way to experience St Columba’s prior to paying us a visit.

To arrange a tour or taster day, or indeed to ask any questions about any aspect of St Columba’s School, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

In the meantime, I hope you find this portal useful - it is packed full of information about St Columba’s and we hope you find some of the answers you are looking for.

I look forward to meeting you!

Lindsey Mathie, Admissions Registrar

The Journey to Becoming a Columban…

The Journey to Becoming a Columban…


Do your research

Follow us on social media, arrange a visit, and ask us questions! Simply click on the icons here below:


Apply for admission

Using the form below, apply for admission. This non-binding form will provisionally hold a place for your child.


Become a Columban for the day

Now that you have applied, your child can attend for a Taster Day. We build the assessment into this visit and your child will also meet with Mrs Reilly (our Rector) or Mr McKay (Depute Rector of the Junior School).

If you require financial assistance, now is the time to apply!


Await an offer

Mrs Reilly will write to inform you of the outcome of your application. You will find more information about offers in the Admissions Policy.


What now?

If you have been made an offer, congratulations! Please click here to navigate to the Offers section of this portal.

St Columba’s at a glance…

Find out more about our extracurricular clubs, transport and headline achievements.

Achievements, Exam Results & Leavers’ Destinations